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Hello there! And welcome to the Helping Claw Project.

The Helping Claw Project is simply about helping others. If you read the Curious Kingdoms book, then you would see that Starrow has helped the Dave Thomas foundation for Adoption by dedicating the book to them, and with the dedication, at least 50% of all profits from the book will be donated to them. (The rest will help create the second book). But it doesnt have to stop there. This project is moreso a promise to keep helping others, whoever they may be. That said, if there is any charity or foundation that you would like to see helped in a way that you think is possible of me, just send me a message at luke.sheehan88@gmail.com, and I will see what I can do :). Right now, I may be rather thin with posibilities given that I only have one book out. But dont worry, I'll try to help as much as I can and try my best to get the second one out in respectable time, plus an audio version to aid the effort. I Hope all is well.

Thank you! :)